The PATHFNDR Machine

The PATHFNDR project consist of ten work packages. Six work packages deal with research and development, two with pilot and demonstration projects, and two with project management.

The PATHFNDR project consist of following work packages:

Work package 1 (research and development) quantifies large-scale energy pathways for Switzerland, which are embedded in its European context. The WP is led by Stefan Pfenninger (TU Delft) and Francesco Sanvito (TU Delft).

Work package 2 (research and development) assess the energy pathways at local-scale uses cases (i.e., cities, villages, districts, site, networks). The WP is led by Turhan Demiray (ETH Zurich) and Adamantios Marinakis (ETH Zurich).

Work package 3 (research and development) analyses technologies from multiple energy sectors (e.g., thermal, electrical and gas). The WP is led by Hanmin Cai (Empa) and Philipp Heer (Empa).

Work package 4 implements pilot and demonstration projects to test market designs. The WP is led by Christian Winzer (ZHAW) and Ingmar Schlecht (ZHAW).

Work package 5 implements pilot and demonstration projects to test technologies. The WP is led by Philipp Heer (Empa) and Hanmin Cai (Empa).

Work package 6 (research and development) identifies disruptions and business interests as well as strategies to address them. The WP is led by Volker Hoffmann (ETH Zurich), Siobhan Powell (ETH Zurich), Lucas Miehé (ETH Zurich) and Jochen Markard (ZHAW).

Work package 7 (research and development) analyses political feasibility, public acceptance, and effects of policies in Switzerland. The WP is led by Anthony Patt (ETH Zurich) and Christian Moretti (ETH Zurich). 

Work package 8 and 9 (project management) manages the project activities and results, and transfers the knowledge and technology to the various stakeholders. The WP is led by Christian Schaffner (ETH Zurich), Lea Ruefenacht (ETH Zurich) and Eyvonne Ranjan (ETH Zurich).

Work package 10 (research and development) coordinates the scenarios as well as integration and synthesis of research results. The WP is led by Andre Bardow (ETH Zurich),  Christian Schaffner (ETH Zurich), Lea Ruefenacht (ETH Zurich) and Eyvonne Ranjan (ETH Zurich) .

In addition, PATHFNDR works closely with CROSS, a platform that facilitates collaboration between SWEET consortia on scenarios, tools/models, and data.

© 2021 SWEET PATHFNDR Project