Integration and synthesis

All diagrams-70

Type: Research & Development


Prof. André Bardow (ETH Zurich)
Christian Schaffner (ETH Zurich)
Lea Ruefenacht (ETH Zurich)
Eyvonne Ranjan (ETH Zurich)


  • Develop a joint position of the involved research groups
  • Synthesize and integrate the activities in WP1-7

Expected outcomes:

  • Integrated scenarios
  • Synthesis view of the consortium on the research challenge
  • Two P&D proposals

Duration: 1 May 2021 – 30 April 2027 (72 months)


Florian Baader (ETH Zurich)
Philipp Heer (Empa)
Adriana Marcucci (ETH Zurich)
Kristina Orehounig (Empa)
Ingmar Schlecht (ZHAW)
Christian Winzer (ZHAW)

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