Pathways on a national and international scale

Type: Research & Development
Prof. Stefan Pfenninger (TU Delft)
Francesco Sanvito (TU Delft)
- Quantify large-scale energy scenarios for Switzerland embedded within its European context
- Understand trade-offs between different Swiss pathways
- Deliver methodological advances in multi-level modelling
Expected outcomes:
- Detailed scenarios for use in decision support
- Models and data for use by the consortium and third parties
- Methodological advancements in energy system modelling
Duration: 1 May 2021 – 30 April 2026 (60 months)
Behnam Akbari (ETH Zurich)
Florian Baader (ETH Zurich)
Prof. André Bardow (ETH Zurich)
Viola Becattini (ETH Zurich)
Paolo Gabrielli (ETH Zurich)
Alissa Ganter (ETH Zurich)
Jared Garrison (ETH Zurich)
Blazhe Gjorgiev (ETH Zurich)
Patricia Mayer (ETH Zurich)
Prof. Marco Mazzotti (ETH Zurich)
Martin Rüdisüli (Empa)
Prof. Giovanni Sansavini (ETH Zurich)
Christian Schaffner (ETH Zurich)
Ingmar Schlecht (ZHAW)
Marius Schwarz (ETH Zurich)
Prof. Evelina Trutnevyte (UNIGE)
Ambra Van Liedekerke (ETH Zurich)
Natasa Vulic (Empa)
Zongfei Wang (UNIGE)
Christian Winzer (ZHAW)
© 2021 SWEET PATHFNDR Project